It's 12:12 as I type this... on the Full Moon of March, 2010.
Gentle Mist filled the day here in the Catskill Mountains of New York. And an indrawn energy filled the day.
On this Full Moon night, people all around the planet are praying and meditating and intending for the healing and raising of human consciousness on our planet ~ and the highest good of all.
It is Passover night, the Easter week ~ and in India the birthday of the great servant of the divine ~ Lord Hanuman.
And I received a special message from a participant in India at Hardiwar at the Kumbha Mela where millions and millions and millions are gathered performing ancient ceremonies for purification, forgiveness, and upliftment of humanity ~ individually and collectively.
This month's ForGIVEness Mastermind Meditation includes a special addition gifted by Archangel Michael to clear the Ascension Chakra during these times of rapid and special profound change.
Enjoy this meditation as much as you like.
And bless a friend with it, too.
More Good News!
More Good News!
The little Book of ForGIVEness is now available for an instant download at
And, if you want to help spread the power of ForGIVEness, there is a special new affiliate program, where we share the income with you. Look on the bottom of this page for details and easy signup.
Even MORE Good News!
We are ready to begin GIVING away quantities of our ForGIVEness booklet to groups and organizations.
We are ready to begin GIVING away quantities of our ForGIVEness booklet to groups and organizations.
So if you know of a group who would like free copies, please email
Could be church, meditation, spiritual, ascension, trauma, domestic violence, PTSD, trauma, responders ~ just about any group that is working to relief stress and anxiety and deal with rapid change.
Our mission is to get this easy energetic form of ForGIVEness out to as many people as possible ~ ASAP.
I hold YOU in the Creator's Light.
Pat Crosby,
Founder ~ I Love ForGIVEness
845.434.3829 US voicemail
ForGIVEness ~ untangling and unsnarling of our own old twisted patterns, blocks and knots that keep us from moving forward into our birthright of light and love. Releasing and letting go of old past imprints and patterns that do not serve us.
Get ForGIVEness
Copyright 2010 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved.
3~30~10 email
Dear Pat,
Thank you for this beautiful Full Moon
and forgiveness meditation.
I very much enjoyed!!!
Many blessing to you,