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One-Tenth of Infinity: The Story of Tithing Gaia/Mother Earth through Pepper Lewis - August 2003 | ||||||||||||||||||| | I have begun to recognize the agency of tithing in my life as a source of abundance, nourishment and wisdom. Tithing has taught me to believe in trust, faith and magic. It has allowed me to experience an inner shift from fear to joy and has shown me that I am supported by dimensions and realms beyond my knowing. Could you describe the energy of tithing, Gaia? What role does it play in assisting humanity at this time? Is there a story you could share with us about people who lived in accord with tithing? Do you have any contemporary suggestions as to how to bring the subject into greater balance and awareness for everyone? P. Gilbert, Topanga, CA Your question is thoughtfully formulated, well crafted, and humble in foundation. It is a question that has been asked throughout history upon this world and on other worlds before. Its true origin lies far away and long ago; its roots run deeper than you now remember. Let's begin with a statement of premise, which says that the universe is as infinite as its supply is ceaseless. And for the sake of clarity let's include the textbook definition of a tithe, which is quite literally an offering of one tenth of one's goods or earnings during a given period of time. The origin of the word is Hebrew and it is quite old as you might imagine, but long before a word existed to define the experience, the experience still existed. Those who named the experience also gave it form, and form gave it density. In its purest sense, tithing exists in a state of perpetual grace. It is elegant by nature, beautiful to behold and dignified in movement. Its expansive capacity tolerates, liberates, accommodates and forgives. It is infinite love in action and exemplifies the Law of Goodwill. By contrast, it also has a dense counterpart that includes hypocrisy, obligation, judgment, guilt, taxation and levy. The wide spectrum that separates these seeming opposites exists only in the mind, because our premise guarantees that the universe is as infinite as its supply. What mathematical formula expresses one-tenth of infinity? The question itself gives rise to a paradox within a paradox, one from which there is no escape. Given what we have discovered thus far, is tithing necessary in a limitless universe? No. Does an active belief in tithing automatically enroll you in the school of limitation? No. Paradoxes often give birth to more paradoxes and this one is no exception. The universe is an ordered extension of All That Is. It exists in a condition of free will, which is absent of sin. A sin is not a moral or ethical offense. A sin is an act, thought or behavior that exists outside of All That Is. As no thought or act can exist outside of All That Is, we can now safely assume that the universe is sinless, blameless and limitless. When long ago space and time were fashioned into an illusion called form and density, tithing was born. Tithing was Creator's response to infinite sustenance expressed within a context of finite structure. Originally, it was understood as The Law of Infinite Blessings. Later on it was reduced to the lesser sounding Law of Plenty. By the time tithing became socially and culturally accepted it was little more than a voluntary taxation, a moral code of conduct or ethics to live by. In its purest sense, tithing suggests that because some have, all may have. It acknowledges that infinite formlessness can be expressed within finite form, but without limitation. It is the answer to the paradox, but that is only the beginning of the story. Long ago a very specific alchemical formula was written within the halls and corridors of time. It was left for those who were adept to interpret that time was not only infinite, but portable as well. In other words, it could be carried here and there if one understood its properties. Portable time was not limited to a specific time period because it was undefined; it was contextual, but not sequential. Contextual or portable time could be expanded or contracted as need or desire dictated, which is exactly how certain civilizations came and went at will, unfolding time within a certain context or understanding and then folding it back up again when the experience was complete. Portable time was also abundant, there was no shortage of time then as there seems to be today. Time was not an infinite abstract, but it was asynchronous. Its measure worked with humanity rather than against it. Humans did not age then as they do today, because they related differently to time. Early artwork and manuscripts depicted abundant harvests and seasons of plenty. More can be gleaned from the remnants of the past than what is currently interpreted. The ancients understood the two-fold or dual nature of time, and they made good use of it. Later on time became synchronous and aging began. Synchronous time was sometimes depicted as an old man with a white beard. The indication was that one could no longer find wisdom while lost in the beauty and timelessness of youth. When synchronous time was born, the world become finite. Youth could not be wasted and ill accomplished moments could no longer be spared. Harvests were limited to specific seasons and locations, and workers could little afford to be idle. The Law of Plenty was in effect then as it is today, but few paid it mind and even fewer aligned with it. Synchronous time brought with it shorter life spans. Good health and good fortune was no longer the norm, it became something one strived for, and hoped and prayed for. Synchronous time did not begin the moment that asynchronous time ended and there was a period of overlap that lasted many centuries. There is much discrepancy in your history rolls regarding this time period because as many perished from old age others who were born within weeks of one another continued to live in seeming perpetuity. All were aging, but at varying rates, which for the most part depended upon their ancestral cellular structure as well as the beliefs they adhered to. Those who aged fastest began to believe that they were inferior, and this belief only caused them to age faster. Those who aged more slowly came to believe a common myth that they must be godlike or at least the sons and daughters of gods. Those who aged more quickly came to be called lesser or low born and those who seemed never to age were called high born, perpetuating the myth that they were gods whose eternal home was in heaven. Most of the highborn had blue eyes whereas brown was the predominant eye color of the lowborn, so blue eyes became good omens of longevity and reminders of the sky. Brown eyes were as the earth and so they held little promise of good fortune. The god-like human beings knew that they did not have the power to grant long life to the lesser born. More was the pity because many a great love was separated by time rather than circumstance. With sympathy and compassion to the irreversible changes that were taking place, those who lived long upon the earth devised a system by which they could enrich, albeit temporarily, the lives of the lesser born. The system allotted one-tenth of both time and sacrifice to be tithed on behalf of each of the lesser born. A sacrifice could be a labor or it could be the reduction of a labor. Riches were still earned, but they could also be bestowed. Time could not be purchased, but it could be given. No one was compelled to tithe; those who volunteered did so from the heart. Long after the custom was adopted the tradition continued, but as with all things temporary and temporal, corruption and malice found a foothold. Synchronous time was now well anchored upon the earth and the god-like beings had long ago departed. Those who incarnated upon the earth did so in sequential rather than contextual time. In other words, the karmic wheel of birth and rebirth was now the guardian of time. Asynchronous time was expansive, but synchronous time was not. Consciousness gave way to unconsciousness and time became a measure whose worth could be calculated; a commodity that could be owned, controlled, bought and sold. Priesthoods and kingdoms now stood where the highborn had once sacrificed time and tithe to the lowborn. They saw little and no reason to give sacrifice when it could be received instead. They saw even less reason to tithe when they could tax. Ten percent of infinity now became ten percent of one's household, a sum that even the simplest mind could calculate. Most priesthoods did not have the authority to impose or collect a tax on the communities they served. Instead, they devised a legal means by which they conferred and intervened with deities and past gods on behalf of those who were not considered qualified to do so. In return they received a god tithe, later called a good tithe, and the greedy law of spiritual compensation ran rampant across all lands and most religions. The spirals and sands of time have shifted many a time since then. Civilizations have come and gone and magnificent continents have disappeared under the waves. Kingdoms and cultures have fallen from glorious heights, leaving great councils and benevolent leaders to be replaced by governments, corporations, monarchies and tyrants. Taxation and levies have taught citizens to subtract before they have even learned to add, and the Law of Plenty lies buried in the ruins of asynchronous time. Governments now tax by decree as well as by force. Intricate systems have been devised whereby taxes are levied upon most types of income, earnings and even purchases. Authority to impose and collect taxes has been placed with the few and the many, the scrupulous and the unscrupulous. Power is now hungry for more power, it has become a volatile machine that assumes, abuses and usurps. As long as humanity allows another entity, faculty, government or belief system to control its power, it will subject itself and its children to taxation. That which today is called tithing is little more than unsubstantiated taxation; it is an imposition of the will-full upon the will-less. It is an ill-conceived system encouraged by those who benefit by it and supported by those who fear changing it. Hidden within the rolls of history are truths that support these words and when uncovered will return the wealth of the greedy governments, corporations and churches to the people. Is tithing considered a charitable deed? Yes, as long as it is conceived in the innocence and simplicity of the heart and offered cheerfully. It need not follow any custom, tradition, law or percentage. Is charity or a charitable donation also considered a tithe? It depends upon the awareness that is present within the moment in which it is considered. For instance, if the charitable deed is a box of superfluous items extracted from a crowded attic and dropped off at the nearest collection bin, then it is a charitable contribution, but not a tithe. Why? Because the original intent was to make one's attic more habitable, do you see? Charity is best defined as a voluntary provision of money, materials or help offered to those who may benefit by it. True charity includes an impartial acceptance of others; it is tolerance expressed in greatest measure. Charity observes without judgment. It does not ask you to determine who is need versus who is not. Is a donation a tithe? Yes, if it is given voluntarily and without obligation or expectation of return. To donate is to give, present or contribute something when a good (god) cause presents itself. Science has its own definition for donate, which is to transfer electrons to another atom or molecule in a chemical reaction, and that is exactly what happens when a true tithe is made! A physical and nonphysical reaction is experienced within one's entire being, one that promotes alchemy and magic within one's sphere (of influence). To tithe is to inspire others to greatness by conscious thought, act, deed or prayer. True tithing exists in a state of grace. It is elegant, smooth in form and movement, dignified and polite, decent in behavior, and beautiful to behold. True tithing includes a capacity to tolerate, accommodate and forgive. In other words, it does not judge itself worthy for initiating the tithe or another unworthy for receiving it or using it unwisely. Tithing is a demonstration of infinite love, mercy, favor and goodwill. It begins with a condition of being free (of sin) and then offering the same to others. Tithing does not purchase or promise eternal life or anything else, and it does not erase other obligations you may have incurred elsewhere. It does bring about a quickening, a life giving spirit. As a creative act it is complete within itself. It requires nothing and it asks nothing, but it offers all to ALL. Tithe because your heart compels it, but do not mortgage your home or your soul to build a church or altar to All That Is. Is there something to be gained by tithing? Yes, but you will not be able to put your finger upon what it might be. What is there to be gained by living fully and completely each day, do you see? Over a lifetime, the answer is expressed exponentially. The origins of tithing are still present and its cosmic formula is intact. The universal law of infinite return and the earthly law of plenty still guide the process. Everything you give to another you also give to yourself, it can be no other way. What will you tithe? What if you have nothing to give, or so much that it is difficult know when not to tithe? Charity begins at home, as they say. Begin by being generous with yourself and then see where else generosity exists within you. Escorting a moth safely to the door rather than seeing its life force extinguished by the heat of a lamp is an act of generosity, do you see? Do not measure yourself by what you offer, and do not measure others by what they accept or receive. Do not compare yourself to your neighbor because you are unique. Your path is that of the demonstrating master, not the course of the follower or the disciple. Allow your creative nature to guide your heart, your hands and your purse strings in all endeavors, and remember well that the law of plenty is well endorsed by Spirit. Be willing to receive as well as to give, even when it is only support or a kind word that is offered. Simple words and warm hugs have been known to save many a life. back to top |
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Gaia-Pepper Lewis: Tithing & Forgiveness... Article
pat crosby,
pepper lewis,
tithing article
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