Thursday, August 26, 2010

Frustration and ForGIVEness - article by Ross Bishop

Here is an article by Ross Bishop - who I enjoyed spending some time with at events in Virginia last year when I was giving workshops there.  He gives his blessings to re-publish this article for our  I Love ForGIVEness family of readers.

One of the advantages of the ForGIVEness meditation - that comes in your email for subscribers at
is that MANY old things fall away through the power of grace when you ASK the beings of light and love in the universe to help you.

ForGIVEness is letting go of MANY old patterns of thoughts, actions, behaviours, and emotional memories - opening you up and preparing to receive newer brighter energies in keeping with today's evolving world.

I hold YOU in the Creator's Light,

Pat Crosby

Dear Friend,
A while ago I wrote about abut the origin of our problems. I covered a lot of territory in that article, and had to leave some important topics out. As a result, I received a number of questions and some expressions of frustration. 
A common feeling was expressed below:


by Ross Bishop

She wrote:

I have been on my spiritual path for many years now and I do feel I have accomplished a certain level of awareness and consciousness.  I have been having many difficult experiences and emotional pain for some time now and I wonder when will I get a break??? Why do bad things happen to good people??
I am tired and I honestly believe I DO NOT DESERVE this pain. I know life has its up's and down's but I just need a break NOW. . . What can I do with my issues NOW ?????

This is a dilemma that is faced by many spiritual seekers. These people have done what they could - they have learned to meditate, done therapy, taken workshops, changed their diet, read the books and tried to bring their life in line with the spiritual path. Many of them have even taken up a healing art as an expression of their spiritual commitment. Yet life continues to throw problems their way. Money remains tight, there isn't much real joy and the deeper spiritual insights they had hoped for have not come. On the surface, it doesn't make much sense, and there is often a feeling of betrayal.

The essential dilemma here has to do with human nature. We are all willing to deal with the easy issues, but when it comes to the stuff (the beliefs about self) at the core, we can get pretty gun-shy. These beliefs can be very deeply rooted and difficult to dislodge. Most people balk at addressing them. They will often go through incredible gyrations to avoid addressing them.

Our beliefs have been with us for a long time (lifetimes), and some people are so accustomed to them they think they are part of who they are.

These are the core beliefs that maintain with absolute certainty that you are unworthy or unlovable - a piece of rubbish that no one but a sewer rat would want to associate with. In the "positive" they give you pride, urge you to push through your troubles, make you hungry for things like success and fame and make you believe that you can jump tall buildings. None of it is legitimate.

Trapped by the fear that these beliefs might be true, even as difficult as they are to live with, many people would rather leave them alone and try and cope with them rather than having to deal with the possibility of learning a most unpleasant truth. After all, what would you do if you learned that you really were unacceptable in God's eyes?

Dealing with these deeply held beliefs brings up the muck that no one wants to address. But, it is also a place of significant spiritual potential. Being in the light is peaceful and pleasant, but transformation happens in the shadow. That is why shaman go there. That is also why life insists that everyone go there as well. Sooner or later, no matter how much you resist, you will be brought face to face with the dragon of your inner beliefs.

The Universe will be relentless in the pursuit of truth. Any place that you hold limiting beliefs, whether you are aware of them or not, will become a source of disruption and conflict. So long as your core beliefs remain unresolved, The Universe will (as it must) apply energy to everything you do that is based on those fears. We call this "having problems," The Universe calls it "opportunities for learning."

Most spiritual seekers work through the obvious issues with their initial efforts and are then urged to go deeper, which causes some to pause, and can lead to the feelings of betrayal I mentioned. The thing is, had these people not done this, The Universe was going to make them face these issues anyway, but not at a time of their choosing. Doing it on your terms is always MUCH easier.

When seekers are asked to confront these deeper issues, although they often do not feel ready, they really are. The Universe is very careful about that.

The simple truth is that there is more work to be done. Be angry, be upset with God if you like, it isn't going to change anything. The anger and feelings of betrayal are really only a mask to deflect away from the core issues some part of you is reluctant to address. If you can go even deeper, you will find that what is really driving all of this are the issues you have with God.

Core beliefs can require spiritual dynamite to dislodge. That is why life is sometimes so very painful. However, it does not have to be as painful as we often make it. I searched for years looking for the best approach and found it in the ancient shamanic journey process. It is the only really effective method for bringing people to their truth that I have found. I generally recommend that people not do this work alone - get a good shaman - it makes the process a good deal easier.

Bad things happen to good people because these people are still holding on to their core beliefs. Regardless of all the affirmations and positive thoughts, these people still do not really love themselves. They do not appreciate the wonderful special beings they are, and they are not yet able to really accept God's love.

The answer? There is only one. . .

there is always only one answer:

love yourself.

When you address your core beliefs, you tear down the biggest barriers to your enjoyment of life - it is that simple. It is just not simple to do.

If you want to know more about dealing with your core beliefs there are a number of articles on my web site ( that may be of help. I also wrote about this topic at length in each of my three books. 
Journey to Enlightenment, (featured below) is my most recent.

Copyright©2010 Blue Lotus Press




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