Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ForGIVING and The Collective Shadow - Peggy Black message on Morning Messages

Dear ForGIVEness Readers,

Peggy Black was kind enough to give permission to share her morning message with us.

Her insights on the need to release the hold of the collective unconscious shadow is certainly part of ForGIVEness.

She emailed:  "Forgiveness is such an important aspect of our awakening... "

See her article below.

Her site features a video on cleansing money.  I will call this the ForGIVEness of all the dark energies that have been attached to money in the past by those coming from greed instead of service and righteous exchange.


GOOD NEWS:  The NEW Expanded 2nd Edition of "The little Book of ForGIVEness" is off to the printers.  This new version includes an expanded section on to have your own ForGIVEness Circle.  We will begin shipping our first group book giveaways later this week :)))

This is a huge milestone for our project.  Many thanks to ALL of you who have added your insights, information, suggestions, money, support, and warm and fuzzy masterminding to help us move the project this far forward.

You are EACH highly appreciated and valued for your contributions.


We are now offering the ebook version for immediate download.
Preview and purchase at

And our Funded Free Distribution Project is off and running.  Thanks to our individual donors who have funded the printing of our 2nd Edition 1st printing run, we will be able to ship out free copies to the first groups on our list requesting the free copies.

Please let us know:
1.  If you would like free copies for your group or organization
2.  If you would like to offer a donation to cover printing and distribution costs to these groups.
Corporate sponsorships are also accepted.



Pat Crosby


NOW - From Peggy Black

Message 50Collective Shadow
Great changes are occurring. Some are subtle, others occur as a loud struggle. You can observe these different aspects around the world.

There are tremendous challenges and frequencies of hatred, fear and chaos. A large section of humanity is numb, too sensitive to handle the intense frequency of devastation and deception. They feel helpless; unaware of their true power.
Now a wellspring of conscious beings is stepping into true power, aware that they can and do make a difference.

Remember that the shadow of humanity dwells in the consciousness of each person. This shadow aspect of one's self is pushed down, denied and projected. No one wants to think of themselves as prejudiced, judgmental, hate filled, or angry. No one wants to believe that they could kill another or cause suffering and pain. Yet these very frequencies dwell energetically in the hidden recesses of everyone's psyche to some degree. These qualities of behavior have been programmed, patterned and are activated by fear.

When fear rises up, all these suppressed emotional behaviors are activated. Then there is the illusion of justification in judging another, mocking another, killing another. The shadow of oneself is to be loved free. The insecurities, the pre-programmed beliefs of differences, the collective dysfunction is being pushed to the surface of the collective matrix.

Those who are aware, awakening, and embracing their shadow-selves, are conscious that they are multidimensional beings living in this programmed illusion. They are disconnecting the circuits that trigger the shadow emotions. They take personal responsibility for the creation of their experiences. When the experience is unpleasant they look within for the cause rather then project the experience or the blame outward.

This evolution of consciousness is swelling, touching the hearts and minds of many. Those who read these words understand and are awakening from the pattern.

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: joyandgratitude@aol.com Thank you.
For your personal reading/transmission, email me at: apersonalmessage@aol.com

Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved.
Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation.
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